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Website Design
Our expertly designed websites can communicate your services and provide useful information to potential clients. Our team of experienced graphics designers offer website design services that help you communicate your business accurately, efficiently and to the right people.
CADline International offers you an easy and hustle free method to update your company’s image.
Creating a new website has never been easier.
Company websites need to have a fresh and updated look, provide useful information about your company and the projects you have undertaken, show your experience and the innovative solutions you have offered in each project. And that is not all. As technology evolves, potential clients should be able to access your website from a variety of screens such as smartphones and tablets, you must also be able to communicate company news with your social media followers and your website should serve as the hub for all digital marketing efforts. We are always on the lookout for new trends and different ways to create websites with elegance and functionality. Share your design ideas that suit your company’s profile. CAdline’s experienced team will create for you a website that best communicates your vision and promotes your business.

Logo Design
A new website gives you the opportunity to reinvent your business
to redefine your goals and update your vision.
Our Logo design service will help you visualize your business
and incorporate your company’s values to a new design
Our team deploys a step by step analysis of essential data about your company’s goals and values, current design trends, target audience perception traits and a research on competitor logos to come up with a unique new logo design that represents your business.
Other Graphic Design & Creative Services
Our dedicated Graphics department can offer you additional services for both Offline and Online promotions you may have.
Design a new Flyer Template, create Ad images for online ads and affiliation links, make Animated (html5) banner ads for your online campaigns and more.

Secure Webhosting
CADline goes the extra mile to make your digital presence simple. We can provide hosting services for your Website in EU datacenters based in Germany with 99.99% uptime. Get Secure, Fast and Reliable Website hosting
In addition, we ensure the encryption of sensitive data entered in your contact forms and when users register with your website. SSL validates that when a visitor shares personal information to your website all data will be encrypted. Our Webhosting services come with Anti-Hacking Support! We include Day to Day surveillance of your website to ensure that there are no known issues and fix any files if necessary. One of the most important, and frequently overlooked characteristics of a good website is page speed. A beautifully crafted website may offer an unpleasant user experience if it is plagued by extended load times for each page.
Our hosting services provide you with ample disk space and bandwidth to accommodate your website and host a business email account and provide enough bandwidth to offer large numbers of visitors a seamless and smooth navigation throughout your website. We schedule and store frequent backup copies of your website to ensure that your site will be up and running in virtually no time even if you encounter problems with any changes you might try.
Content Maintenance
Along with your Website’s creation we can also offer services for content updates. Post your latest projects and Articles on industry news to add useful content for your website visitors, simply send us your content and we will publish your news.
Do you need to make regular updates on your website, but can’t seem to find time to make the changes you want? We are here to help. CADline’s team is here to discuss with you any content maintenance requirements you have and create a customized service to fit your needs.

Email Hosting
Host your email account(s) on secure servers
independent from your website hosting.
CADline can provide you host service for email accounts on a separate and secure server, freeing up disk space from your website’s server, that offers greater security for both your email accounts and your website.
We can also provide you with our business email solutions offer you 25GB of disk space per account and the ability to send and receive files up to 50MB. You will be able to sync your emails with all your devices (Smartphone, laptop, tablet, desktop computer) and never think about running out of disk space.
Digital Marketing
Promotion in Social Media,
Search and Display Campaigns,
Facebook Ads, SEO, Newsletter.
Google & Facebook Ad Campaigns
Communicate your Brand to the right people. The best way to let people know about your business is to be there when they search for it and remind them that you can offer the right solution for their needs. Our team can plan, create and design advertising campaigns that will aim to grow your Business and show ads to the right audience.
Google Ads help promote your business when people search for services that you offer. Your Ads will show on top of organic page results when a relevant keyword or key phrase was included in a user’s search.
Ads can help you identify how people search for your services and provide meaningful insights on business trends and demand. Our team can create ads that will drive traffic to your website, and we have the experience to monitor and optimize spent to increase your revenue But Online advertising can do more! Remarketing campaigns offer you the opportunity to remind past website visitors of your Brand name and the services you can provide. Your ads can always be present in the eyes of your most valuable audience members, people who interacted with your website. Let’s discuss your business goals and plan the marketing
campaign that will help you achieve them. Social media campaigns are great for discovering niche audiences based on their interests and behavior to show ads rather than waiting for users to actively search for a relevant service. Your ads serve both the purpose of finding new
clients as well as reminding your brand to past visitors. They are an essential tool that will help you increase your audience and build a stronger relationship with followers and clients alike. And don’t forget about remarketing! Your visitors are likely to spend a significant portion of their entertainment interacting with social media platforms, your ads can follow valuable audience members, people who interacted with
your website, and offer added incentives for them to take a preference in choosing your organization.

Social Profile Management
Have a consistent look across all platforms. Social media fan pages & Profiles are part of your digital Identity.
Our team can make the necessary settings to ensure that your profile page in most major social media platforms (YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google My Business)
SEO Research & Optimization
Search engine optimization, also known as SEO is a title reference for the variety of actions you can take to optimize your website. SEO is all efforts you undertake to show search engines that your website is more relevant to questions that contain certain keywords or key-phrases
But what keywords should you optimize for? Not all related keywords have the same value for your business, we need to discover the group of terms that people are likely to use when searching for products and services you can provide and from that group find out which of those keywords are the ones that have the greatest value for your business. To achieve that goal, we deploy a combination of on page statistical tools and a targeted advertising campaign that will bring to light the keywords that your website should focus on. The next steps include an evaluation on technical aspects of your website (ie. Page speed, duplicate content, meta data
and more) and necessary actions to correct them were possible. In addition, we provide you with a list of keywords to consider when adding new content in your website and propose content changes that will be beneficial to your ranking. Keep in mind that search engines always update the signals they use to rank pages for any given question (when someone uses the search bar on a browser, search engines treat it as a user query). Optimizing for a keyword is not in any way guaranteed to bring your website on top of all other relevant websites, but it is the only way that your website will be considered as relevant and therefore rank higher than other pages.

Tracking & Analytics
Know how people interact with your website. We setup Analytics & create required Goals when people send you contact forms, and embed Facebook Pixel on your website to help you create strategies and measure the results of all traffic sources
Get detailed and in-depth statistics of your website’s visits. Find key information on how people browse through your website and what pages seem to interest them the most. See if visitors complete your intended goals (ie. Submit a form, visit a specific page, register to your newsletter etc.). Like analytics we also setup a Facebook’s Pixel to help you track conversions from Facebook sources (posts or ads), build targeted audiences for future ads, and remarket to people who have already taken action on your website.
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Newsletter Campaigns
Keep in touch with registered visitors, provide useful information on
the latest industry news that might interest them and promote your services directly to known Clients. We can design newsletter templates and perform mailing campaigns to your specified client lists, and track and report their outcome.
Newsletters are a direct and low-cost way to contact existing clients or people that have expressed an interest in your services. You can inform clients about new ways your services can provide innovative solutions to their needs, share the latest developments in industry news and help you increase your brand awareness and build stronger client relationships. Newsletter Setup connects your website to your preferred service platform in order to be able to track and report on the success of your mailing campaigns, design and store template messages for multiple uses, allow you to send emails on large client lists without getting spam filtered and give you the insight that will improve your communications to address your Client’s needs.

GDPR compliance pack
(for existing websites)
Services described below are included in New website development.
This option is for amendments on existing websites
• Privacy Policy Checkbox
• Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certification
• Website Cookies popup
As connectivity on the internet increases, people find the need to share personal data in order to take full advantage of the amenities it has to offer. Since personal information have expanded to also include digital
data, your website is required to take measures that safeguard any information you hold on both visitors, registered users and clients alike. GDPR is the latest EU regulation that specifies what constitutes personal
information and how those are to be treated. Our website design services can implement all the necessary technical requirements to ensure that your website complies with the new regulation. Please bear in mind
that you should consult with your legal advisor. Our services can only cover technical aspects of your website’s functions, GDPR is a requirement for all business operations that collect and store personal information.
Fill out the information form and get in contact with us to discuss your business plan and start today
Your Plan So Far:
- Website Design
- Logo Design
- Other Graphic Design & Creative Services
- Secure Webhosting
- Content Maintenance
- Email Hosting
- Google & Facebook Ad Campaigns
- Social Profile Management
- Seo Research & Optimization
- Tracking & Analytics
- Newsletter Campaigns
- GDPR compliance pack